What Do You Think?

  • Find a partner.
  • Using evidence from the chart and from the lesson, discuss the impact humans can have on the earth’s albedo through activities such as deforestation and urbanization.
  • In the summer of 2012, the polar ice cap over Arctic waters set a new record low for Arctic sea-ice extent, breaking the previous record low Arctic sea-ice extent set in 2007. Write a well-formed paragraph explaining how melting sea ice might affect the earth’s albedo and heat budget.
Surface Albedo
soil (dark and wet) 5-40%
Asphalt 5-10%
Deciduous Forest 15-20%
Ocean 6%
Sea Ice 50-70%
Snow 80-90%
Shallow Melt Ponds on Sea Ice 20-40%

Source: NASA | Arctic Sea Ice Hits Smallest Extent In Satellite Era