Anatomy of the Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS)

This is what the ISS and console look like before they are put together. It is similar to putting the pieces of a puzzle together. If all of the pieces are not put together correctly, the ISS won’t work properly.

ISS parts
The UV sensor records the amount of ultraviolet (UV) light in the atmosphere. The radiation sensor records the amount of radiant energy that the sun is emitting.
The rain bucket is used to collect and measure the amount of rain fall.
The solar panel is used to power the integrated sensor suite. It also has a battery back-up just in case it is needed.
The console receives and records the data from the integrated sensor suite (ISS). The console also sends the data to the WeatherSTEM station page.
A radiation shield helps reduce the error in recording the temperature that can be caused by direct sunlight on the temperature sensor.
The wind cups are the instrument used to record the wind speed.
The wind vane is the sensor used to record the direction of the wind. Remember, the wind direction records the direction from which the wind is coming. For example, a northerly wind is a wind coming from the north and blowing towards the south.