
Quiz: Evaluate Your Learning!

Ready to test your knowledge about winter storms? Find out with this quiz!

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  1. Question 1 of 4

    1. In North America, most winter storms form when cold, dry air from ______________ interacts with warm, moist air from ______________.

    • Correct!

    • Incorrect. Cold, dry air typically comes from the North while warm, moist air comes from the South.

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  2. Question 2 of 4

    2. Where do winter storms get their energy?

    • Correct!

    • Incorrect. While this does provide energy for air movement and weather, winter storms get their energy directly from the air masses that combine to create the frontal boundary.

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  3. Question 3 of 4

    3. Which of the following is NOT effected by wind chill?

    • Correct! Wind chill only affects living things.

    • Incorrect. Wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin such as that of a person or animal. It has no effect on non-living things.

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  4. Question 4 of 4

    4. True or False: It must be 32°F for snow to fall.

    • Correct! Since snow forms in the clouds, where temperature is below 32°F, even if ground temperatures are warmer snow will still fall.

    • Incorrect. It has been known to snow with temperatures in the mid 40s. Temperatures are below 32°F up in the clouds where the snow is forming.

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