How are Weather Forecasts Made?

  • Meteorologists use special instruments to measure the conditions of the atmosphere.
  • Observations taken on the ground are used to make surface reports.
  • The Doppler Radar is a special radar that uses radio waves to detect precipitation as well as movement of particles.
  • Isobars are lines that show places with the same pressure, and are used to locate areas high and lower pressure, along with fronts.
  • Computer models use complex mathematical equations to help predict future values of temperature, wind, pressure and precipitation.
doppler radar

Doppler Radar. Source: pixelsnap/

doppler radar

Weather map with isobars. Source: NOAA

Now Try This…

Make a list of what information you would expect to hear in a weather forecast. Listen to a weather report from your area of the country and write down what they discussed. Compare your two lists. What was different? What terms did the meteorologist use that you did not understand?