Applications of Weather

Explore some of the additional lessons on the applications of weather.


Pilots need up to date information on the weather conditions at the surface and in the air, to help make decisions about safely navigating an aircraft, including take-off and landing. They can also take advantage of certain weather conditions, such as a tailwind, to help them while in-flight. For more information, explore our lesson on: Aviation.


All of the significant weather variables impact the agricultural industry, everything from crops to livestock. Growers use the information to decide when to sow seeds and harvest the ripened crops. Hot temperatures can affect livestock, and when combined with lack of rainfall, droughts could threaten to develop. Check out our lesson on: Meteorological variables used in agriculture.


Severe weather while out on the open water is extremely dangerous for mariners. By using current weather conditions, sailors can steer clear of regions with storms, and chart routes to help track the migration patterns of fish. Learn more about wind and waves in our surfing lesson.

Outdoor Workers

Builders, construction workers, painters, road crews. Many of these professions require individuals to be outside in the weather throughout the day. One of the biggest dangers to outdoor workers is exposure to heat. Our lesson on Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature expands on one of the ways to measure the impact of heat on the human body.