Game Day Climate

This year’s game is being held in Tallahassee,FL on October 29, 2016. Here are the climate statistics on temperature and precipitation for all of the October 29th on record in both Tallahassee, FL and Clemson, SC.

Tallahassee, FL: October 29

  • Average Max Temp: 78°F
  • Average Min Temp: 52°F
  • Average Rain: 0.10"
  • Highest Max Temp: 89°F (2009)
  • Lowest Max Temp: 55°F (1910)
  • Highest Min Temp: 70°F (1917)
  • Lowest Min Temp: 29°F (2008)
  • Highest Rainfall Total: 1.59" (1959)

Clemson, SC: October 29

  • Average Max Temp: 69°F
  • Average Min Temp: 44°F
  • Average Rain: 0.11"
  • Highest Max Temp: 86°F (1991)
  • Lowest Max Temp: 53°F (2008)
  • Highest Min Temp: 66°F (1984)
  • Lowest Min Temp: 28°F (2001)
  • Highest Rainfall Total: 1.49" (1970)