Tallahassee's January Climate

Maximum Temperature

During the winter, the high temperatures across the state could be considered warm when compared to those of the Northeast and Upper Midwest. The mean maximum temperature in Tallahassee during January is about 65˚F, and sometimes the maximum temperatures can rise above 80˚F.

  • Average January Max Temp: 63.5°F
  • Hottest January Temperature: 83°F on 01/30/1957

Minimum Temperature

Also during the winter, cold fronts, that are occasionally accompanied by an Arctic air mass, push through North Florida and are capable of bringing intense cold to the State. The average minimum temperature is about 38˚F, but the temperature has been known to drop into the single digits during the overnight and morning hours.

  • Average January Min Temp: 39.0°F
  • Coldest January Temperature: 6°F on 01/21/1985


The Panhandle is one of the wettest parts of the state and receives much of its rain during two wet seasons, one during the winter when fronts pass through bringing rain, the other in the summer, when convective rain falls. Snow falls periodically in North Florida, but most of the wintertime precipitation is mostly in the form of rain. There have been rare occasions when snow has accumulated to a depth of several inches in Tallahassee.

  • Average January Rainfall: 4.34”
  • Highest Monthly January Rainfall: 18.94” (1991)
  • Average January Snowfall: 0.00”
  • Highest Monthly January Snowfall: 0.10” (2018)