In This Lesson You Will...
- Show that energy from the Sun can heat things up and when the Sun goes down, things cool off.
- List forms of energy, like heat and light.
- Know that light from the Sun can be reflected or absorbed by clouds, the Earth and the air.
- Be able to explain that plants use energy from the Sun to make their own food.
- SC.3.E.6.1: Demonstrate that radiant energy from the Sun can heat objects and when the Sun is not present, heat may be lost. (H)
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- SC.3.P.10.1: Identify some basic forms of energy such as light, heat, sound, electrical, and mechanical. (L)
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- SC.3.P.10.4: Demonstrate that light can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed. (M)
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- SC.3.L.17.2: Recognize that plants use energy from the Sun, air, and water to make their own food. (L)
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