Extension - Solve It!

Some of the most pressing problems you need to resolve are:

  1. How do we collectively report the same measure of heat? of cold?
  2. What materials are needed and how do we ensure we are all using the same materials?
  3. Assuming questions 1 and 2 are resolved, at what times will temperatures be observed and recorded?
  4. Finally, what do we collectively know already? What have we observed happening around us? How does water behave in very cold temperatures? What happens when the weather warms?

As soon as possible, you hold a meeting with your friends and the tradesmen present. At the meeting, you come up with the plan that will govern the work on this project over the next year.

What is the plan?

With the help of your friends, write out and justify the plan that will be used to govern your work over the next year. This plan will be presented to the commissioning party who is paying all salaries and expenses related to the project. Good Luck!