Temperature and Distance

If distance from the Sun was the only factor in determining a planet’s temperature, we should be able to develop a constant factor using those two variables.

For example: If you multiply the temperature of each planet by the square of the distance from the Sun as below, you should get a number that is very similar for each planet… a CONSTANT.

Temperature × Distance2 = Constant

Compare Your Results

  • Study the data below in graph and table form.
  • Is the “constant” similar for all of the planets? This is easy to see from the graph.
  • What do you think now?
(in Kelvin)
(in AU)
(T × D2)
Mercury 400 0.39 60.84
Venus 730 0.72 376.36
Earth 280 1.00 280.00
Mars 213 1.52 492.11
Planet Temperature Chart