What’s in the Sky?

  • What kinds of things can you see in the sky?
  • What things can you see during the day? And what things can you only see at night?
  • Turn to your shoulder partner and talk about it.
  • Watch this video to learn about the things we can see in the sky.

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You’ve probably looked up and seen things in the sky before like birds, planes and clouds but there are things in the sky that are much farther away. One thing that you can see in the sky that is very far away, is the moon. The moon is a big rock that moves in a circle around the Earth. Some people think that the moon glows because it is so bright at night, but the moon is actually grey because it is made of rock. It looks like it is glowing bright yellow because the Sun is shining on it. Did you know that sometimes you can also see the moon during the day? During the day, the moon looks white. Can you remember if you’ve ever seen the moon during the day?