Maple Syrup Grades

Pure maple syrup is graded on four characteristics.

To be sold via retail, the syrup must be clear, and not have any excessive haze caused by the natural mineral content in the syrup.
Maple syrup is classified into four distinct color classes: golden, amber, dark and very dark
  • Golden - early season syrup, delicate, subtle flavor
  • Amber - mid-season syrup, more popular, rich maple flavor all-purpose syrup
  • Dark - late maple season, syrup dark in color and has a more robust maple flavor, can be used for all-purposes.
  • Very Dark - very strong flavor, produced at the end of the season, perfect for baking and cooking
A hydrometer is used to measure and determine the density (or sugar content) between 66.9° and 68.9° Brix. This is important so the syrup can maintain its consistency and shelf-life, so the syrup does not crystallize.
Most importantly, the syrup is taste-tested to make sure it maintains the maple flavor.