The Effects of Wind

Wind can be a golfer’s worst enemy or best ally. The direction and strength of the wind is very important to the game and affects ball flight. Click the tabs below to see how each type of wind can affect the flight of the ball.

windy golf green and with flag

In order to combat the different directions of wind throughout the course, golfers will switch up their clubs.

Source: Geograph Project / WikiMedia Commons

If there is a strong tailwind (blowing in the same direction as the ball), the ball can travel farther distances than if there was no wind at all. Golfers can hit the ball more lightly to correct for this type of wind.
If the wind is a headwind (blowing against the direction of ball), it can cause the ball to fall short. Golfers in this type of wind will need to add force on the ball during their shot.
If crosswinds are present (sideways to the ball’s direction), they can also cause the ball to hook off its projected path.